This church was organized by black citizens in 1857. The White citizens of Leary and Morgan came together and granted the Black citizens permission to hold meetings in the old building across the yard from our present building. The Blacks held services on the second Sunday in each month and the Whites held service on the first Sunday. They also assisted in the appointing of our first pastor in 1857. His name was Min. Verge Pittman. The second pastor was Min. H. E. McKinley. We do not know how long they served.
Our 3rd pastor was Min. W.K.L. Flag who served until he was called from labor to reward. Under his pastorship he added (4) deacons. They were Dea. Hutt Walker, Dan Gibson, Pledge Barnes, and George Leary. The mother of the church at that time was Sis. Minnie Leary. They have all passed on to glory.
The 4th pastor was Min. G.S. Byrd. He served for 33 years. Min. Byrd added 6 deacons. They were Deacons Mack Ware, Nelch Simmons, Green Mitchell, George Ware, Joe Maddox, and T.C. Cauley. The second mother of the church was Sister Elcie Mitchell. Mother Mitchell served until called home. Min. Byrd added many members to this church.
The 5th pastor was Min. N. Murray who served for 6 years. He added Deacon C.L. Singleton to the board. He also added many members to the church before the Lord saw fit to call him from labor to reward.
Our 6th pastor was Min. J.M. Sanford. He served for 4 years and added one deacon. That was Deacon D.L. Green.
Our 7th pastor was Min. S.J. Johnson and he served one year. The 8th pastor was Min. O.C. Oats. He served two years.
The 9th pastor was Min. T.C. Calloway. He served for 6 years and added 3 deacons. They were Dea. Eddie Ware, James Crayton, and Lechie Singleton.
The 10th pastor was Min. J.W. Lowe. He served for 7 years. Deacon Nehemiah French and Sam Cauley were ordained under his pastorship.
The 11th pastor was Min. J.M. Mitchell. He served for 4 years and added Deacon Edd Zachary to the board. During this time sister Maggie Ware became the mother of the church. Sister Ware remained as mother of the church until 1958 and at that time Sister Ola Jackson became our mother.
Our 12th pastor was Min. Z.H. Bailey. He added many members to this church. He served 27 years and the Lord called him home. He added 13 deacons. They were Deacons Willie Edd Green, Leonard Culbreath, John Ware, John Crayton, Jessie Lee Barnes, Allen Jackson, Rollin Williams Jr., Rollin Williams, Sr., Alex Crayton, Willie J. Barnes, Edd Brown, Charlie C. Carter, and Edmond Green. During Min. Bailey’s leadership, Sister Cleo French became the mother of our church. Sister French served as mother of this church until her passing in May of 1996. During this pastorship also, Min. Bailey along with the deacons of this church recognized that the building where they were meeting would soon be unable to provide a safe and comfortable place of worship. They then organized a building fund for the purpose of constructing a new worship center. Before Min. Bailey’s death, that building fund had grown enormously with Min. Bailey having given the first contribution in the amount of fifty dollars.
Our 13th pastor was Min. R.E. Hines. He served for 3 years. During his leadership the St. Maryland congregation saw their dreams and hard work become a reality. On July 9, 1978 ground breaking ceremonies were held. The construction began on July 17, 1978. Our deacons and pastor saw fit to award the contract for the new church to a minority owned Construction Company named New World Construction Company. They worked diligently with us and completed the work early in January of 1979. On January 13, 1979, we marched into the newly completed structure. The church had secured a 10 year mortgage from the Jordan Banking Company of Leary, but by the grace of God, we were able to repay the total mortgage in only 8 years. In May of 1987 we held our mortgage burning services.
Our 14th pastor was Rev. Frank Ball. He served for 9 years. Under Rev. Ball’s leadership 6 deacons were ordained. They were Booker T. Singleton, Johnnie B. Johnson, James Barnes, David Barnes, Eugene Autry, and Willie P. Carswell. The church continued to progress spiritually as well as materially. In November of 1989 we contracted with the Scott Construction Co. of Leary, GA to make an annex onto the existing building to provide a larger dinning area and kitchen as well as classrooms and storage. With much prayer and God’s help, this was completed in April of 1990.
Our 15th pastor was Minister Kenneth Williams. Minister Williams was called to pastor the St. Maryland Baptist church in March of 1992. We grew to love both him and his family and greatly respect his leadership. During his tenure here Min. Williams helped to encourage and strengthen this congregation spiritually by starting a weekly prayer meeting and Bible study session. He also organized the Christian Brotherhood Committee in the fall of 1993. This committee of young men took on as their first assignment the task of spearheading a campaign to purchase Bibles for the sanctuary pews. As a result of their efforts, the church had pew Bibles for the first time on the second Sunday in February of 1994. Min. Williams was very instrumental in the naming of our fellowship hall as a memorial to our former pastor, the late Min. Zack Bailey. This memorial service was held on Sunday, April 24, 1994. Sis. Sylvia Parks became mother of this church in May of 1996 after serving as assistant mother for many years. Sis. Parks served dutifully until her passing at which Sis. Juanita Green became the mother of the church. Sis. Green continues to serve dutifully as our present mother. Pastor Williams ordained three deacons. They are Dea. Clennon Jones, Dea. Fred Scott and Dea. Eddie C. Nelson. Minister Williams served faithfully for 18 years.
On May 13, 2007, the church humbly gave praises to God on its 150th year anniversary celebration. This event was highlighted by a congregational march from the old church structure to the present building. Also on September 23, 2007, we dedicated a new addition to the front of the church which included a new pastor’s study, a deacon’s room, and new restroom facilities.
Our 16th and present pastor is Minister Jamison L. Hadley. Minister Hadley was called to pastor the St. Maryland congregation on the 26th of April, 2011. So far during his leadership several members have been added by baptism and Christian experience, and he has ordained one deacon, Dea. Clifford Strawter. Pastor Hadley, his wife, Andrea, and their daughters, Allison, Madison and Kearson have become a beloved part of this Christian community of Leary.
After the passing of our long time and beloved deacon board chairman, Willie Ed Green in October of 2014, Dea. Willie James Barnes was appointed our new and current chairman in November of 2014.
This band of baptized believers known as the St. Maryland Missionary Baptist Church has been carrying the blood stained banner of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the son of the true and living God for well over a century and a half, and with his help we will continue to march on until he says servants of God, well done.
(Revised: February 2018)
Our 3rd pastor was Min. W.K.L. Flag who served until he was called from labor to reward. Under his pastorship he added (4) deacons. They were Dea. Hutt Walker, Dan Gibson, Pledge Barnes, and George Leary. The mother of the church at that time was Sis. Minnie Leary. They have all passed on to glory.
The 4th pastor was Min. G.S. Byrd. He served for 33 years. Min. Byrd added 6 deacons. They were Deacons Mack Ware, Nelch Simmons, Green Mitchell, George Ware, Joe Maddox, and T.C. Cauley. The second mother of the church was Sister Elcie Mitchell. Mother Mitchell served until called home. Min. Byrd added many members to this church.
The 5th pastor was Min. N. Murray who served for 6 years. He added Deacon C.L. Singleton to the board. He also added many members to the church before the Lord saw fit to call him from labor to reward.
Our 6th pastor was Min. J.M. Sanford. He served for 4 years and added one deacon. That was Deacon D.L. Green.
Our 7th pastor was Min. S.J. Johnson and he served one year. The 8th pastor was Min. O.C. Oats. He served two years.
The 9th pastor was Min. T.C. Calloway. He served for 6 years and added 3 deacons. They were Dea. Eddie Ware, James Crayton, and Lechie Singleton.
The 10th pastor was Min. J.W. Lowe. He served for 7 years. Deacon Nehemiah French and Sam Cauley were ordained under his pastorship.
The 11th pastor was Min. J.M. Mitchell. He served for 4 years and added Deacon Edd Zachary to the board. During this time sister Maggie Ware became the mother of the church. Sister Ware remained as mother of the church until 1958 and at that time Sister Ola Jackson became our mother.
Our 12th pastor was Min. Z.H. Bailey. He added many members to this church. He served 27 years and the Lord called him home. He added 13 deacons. They were Deacons Willie Edd Green, Leonard Culbreath, John Ware, John Crayton, Jessie Lee Barnes, Allen Jackson, Rollin Williams Jr., Rollin Williams, Sr., Alex Crayton, Willie J. Barnes, Edd Brown, Charlie C. Carter, and Edmond Green. During Min. Bailey’s leadership, Sister Cleo French became the mother of our church. Sister French served as mother of this church until her passing in May of 1996. During this pastorship also, Min. Bailey along with the deacons of this church recognized that the building where they were meeting would soon be unable to provide a safe and comfortable place of worship. They then organized a building fund for the purpose of constructing a new worship center. Before Min. Bailey’s death, that building fund had grown enormously with Min. Bailey having given the first contribution in the amount of fifty dollars.
Our 13th pastor was Min. R.E. Hines. He served for 3 years. During his leadership the St. Maryland congregation saw their dreams and hard work become a reality. On July 9, 1978 ground breaking ceremonies were held. The construction began on July 17, 1978. Our deacons and pastor saw fit to award the contract for the new church to a minority owned Construction Company named New World Construction Company. They worked diligently with us and completed the work early in January of 1979. On January 13, 1979, we marched into the newly completed structure. The church had secured a 10 year mortgage from the Jordan Banking Company of Leary, but by the grace of God, we were able to repay the total mortgage in only 8 years. In May of 1987 we held our mortgage burning services.
Our 14th pastor was Rev. Frank Ball. He served for 9 years. Under Rev. Ball’s leadership 6 deacons were ordained. They were Booker T. Singleton, Johnnie B. Johnson, James Barnes, David Barnes, Eugene Autry, and Willie P. Carswell. The church continued to progress spiritually as well as materially. In November of 1989 we contracted with the Scott Construction Co. of Leary, GA to make an annex onto the existing building to provide a larger dinning area and kitchen as well as classrooms and storage. With much prayer and God’s help, this was completed in April of 1990.
Our 15th pastor was Minister Kenneth Williams. Minister Williams was called to pastor the St. Maryland Baptist church in March of 1992. We grew to love both him and his family and greatly respect his leadership. During his tenure here Min. Williams helped to encourage and strengthen this congregation spiritually by starting a weekly prayer meeting and Bible study session. He also organized the Christian Brotherhood Committee in the fall of 1993. This committee of young men took on as their first assignment the task of spearheading a campaign to purchase Bibles for the sanctuary pews. As a result of their efforts, the church had pew Bibles for the first time on the second Sunday in February of 1994. Min. Williams was very instrumental in the naming of our fellowship hall as a memorial to our former pastor, the late Min. Zack Bailey. This memorial service was held on Sunday, April 24, 1994. Sis. Sylvia Parks became mother of this church in May of 1996 after serving as assistant mother for many years. Sis. Parks served dutifully until her passing at which Sis. Juanita Green became the mother of the church. Sis. Green continues to serve dutifully as our present mother. Pastor Williams ordained three deacons. They are Dea. Clennon Jones, Dea. Fred Scott and Dea. Eddie C. Nelson. Minister Williams served faithfully for 18 years.
On May 13, 2007, the church humbly gave praises to God on its 150th year anniversary celebration. This event was highlighted by a congregational march from the old church structure to the present building. Also on September 23, 2007, we dedicated a new addition to the front of the church which included a new pastor’s study, a deacon’s room, and new restroom facilities.
Our 16th and present pastor is Minister Jamison L. Hadley. Minister Hadley was called to pastor the St. Maryland congregation on the 26th of April, 2011. So far during his leadership several members have been added by baptism and Christian experience, and he has ordained one deacon, Dea. Clifford Strawter. Pastor Hadley, his wife, Andrea, and their daughters, Allison, Madison and Kearson have become a beloved part of this Christian community of Leary.
After the passing of our long time and beloved deacon board chairman, Willie Ed Green in October of 2014, Dea. Willie James Barnes was appointed our new and current chairman in November of 2014.
This band of baptized believers known as the St. Maryland Missionary Baptist Church has been carrying the blood stained banner of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the son of the true and living God for well over a century and a half, and with his help we will continue to march on until he says servants of God, well done.
(Revised: February 2018)